Should You Work with a Spiritual Advisor?

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I know the spiritual world and way of life has become more mainstream, even trendy now. It seems like everywhere you look, there's a new mindset coach selling a program that promises to change your life or that cool girl on IG pulling daily cards for her following. It’s all SO fun, and I know you just want to get going, but in all the fun sometimes the meaning, foundation, and ethics get lost. It seems like in today’s world, with all the technology and instant gratification that anyone can turn intuitive overnight and while I’m not saying it’s impossible, it takes time to really tap into your intuition and work through your own lessons before you start giving advice to others.

The problem is, a lot of these “new” intuitives do not understand how influential their words are, or how a message relayed incorrectly could really throw someone else off their path. Ethics are so important to me because I experienced many readers who did not understand the importance of their work, some purposely gave me poor advice! I’ve met many spiritual guides who are spiritual, yes, but motivated by only money. I have also met those individuals who have never gotten a single detail correct. I am not here to judge, merely to share my experience when I was first introduced to the spirit world because you should be aware that, unfortunately these people do exist.


Your spiritual advisor should act as a divine guide. As a divine guide their soul purpose should be to pass divine messages to you from the universe and your guides with no person feelings or ego attached to said advice and this guidance must ALWAYS be for your highest good. In addition, your advisor must share with you that this is a GUIDE not a concrete plan. You must know, free will always comes into play, meaning you (and anyone else in your reading) ALWAYS can choose to go in a different direction.

In simplified terms, you are always in the driver’s seat, your advisor is only interpreting the map. If they tell yo to turn right, and you choose to turn left, you can do that. Your route and destination shifts as you choose.


Your role is to be open to the process and enter into the reading or energy session with the right intention, which should always be to ask for guidance that serves your highest good. Trusting that the universe/ guides will bring you the messages through the right advisor is paramount. If you don’t trust when you go into it, getting answers will be harder. In short, the more open you are, the easier the messages come through to your advisor.


If you are asking questions, expect the truth. The truth isn’t always what you want to hear, but the universe and your guides know what is best for your path in this human lifetime. An ethical reader will always tell you the truth, because they are just messengers. They should have no personal attachment or involvement to your reading, they are just there to deliver the letter and read it to you. How you choose to intemperate it is up to you.

One thing you should be aware of is searching out a different answer. This is when you have been told something you do not want to hear but you don’t want to believe it. I’ve seen this so many times, someone asks a question, doesn’t like the answer the universe has passed along through the advisor, and then they seek out another advisor. Again, you are fully in the driver’s seat, however if you start rejecting the universe’s messages you’re messing up the energy. You will end up in this endless cycle of searching for the answer you want, and eventually you’re going to find a reader that will give you the answer you want, not because it’s true but because that's the intention you’ve been setting. At this point, your wishful thinking is undermining the universe’s advice so the universe has no choice but to give you the answer you want because you keep asking for it, even if it may not be true or for your highest good.

Why is this a problem? It delays your process. The lessons you were originally supposed to learn may have not been as severe, but now that you have a false belief the lessons may be tougher when you are forced into a situation where you have no choice but to believe the original truth. In other words, your wake-up call is going to be more intense because you have created a false reality for yourself.

Either way, this is undermining both the universe and your advisor (who you searched out for their expertise) as well as making the process harder for yourself. If you think you know best, then you should not be seeking out an advisor in the first place. It’s a very ego driven approach and the universe does not support ego based thinking. Bottom line, if you aren't going to respect the messages and instead think you know best, please do not have a session.


If you are open to the messages, no matter what they say, and really want to align with your soul purpose, then yes! If you will work through the guidance to achieve your best life and you’re willing to be patient and put in the work, YES. DO IT. As long as your intention is to learn, and do what serves your highest good, you should.


The spiritual world is amazing to start with and only gets better as you explore your path to alignment. Is it all sunshine and roses? No. It is hard work. Sometimes your patience will be tested, sometime you will question why, sometimes you will feel like the world is against you, but just remember that this is all part of your path and the lessons you need to learn. It is OK to feel these things, this is why you are human. Be open to it and go with the ebbs and flows. Ultimately remember that the universe has your back always, you cannot go wrong when the universe is guiding you.


Weekly Reading - July 14 - 20

With all the retrograde going on and the full moon occuring on Tuesday, this week is set to be exhausting. The energy will be scattered, and thus affect us all in the same way. Be mindful of your conversations, emotional reactions, and taking on too much. Now is the time to think before you leap and set a plan in motion based of spirit’s guidance. To get through this week, we really need to sit with self, meditate, and focus on our own mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. It’s ok to say “no” if you are feeling scattered and drained.

From Left to Right: Five of Wands, Three of Wands, The Hermit

From Left to Right: Five of Wands, Three of Wands, The Hermit


Five of Wands
Confusion, Arguments, Conflict, Competition

You are currently stuck in intense conflict and disagreement with yourself or others. Express your emotions calmly and logically, it helps to gain perspective and turn any disagreement into a learning experience. Be enthusiastic about change, because you will have to whether you like it or not. Soften your responses to others and criticism of yourself, it will ease tension and encourage smoother communication.

Three of Wands
Progress, Expansion, Planning, Undermining abilities, Giving without receiving

New opportunities are on the horizon, you just need to look before you leap. Now is the time to expand your reach and own your gifts. It is not the time to play small or put others passions above your own. Get out of your comfort zone and take a calculated risk. There are many opportunities coming available to you this week in business, travel, or higher learning. Should something new present itself, take the time to analyze whether or not it aligns with your path, if it does then go for it!

The Hermit
Introspection, Withdrawal, Trusting your intuition

With all the opportunities presented to you this week, now is the time to step back, and connect with spirit. All the answers you seek are already within you, you just need to allow time and energetic connection to receive the messages. As we tap into our inner truth, we also have to be mindful to “filter” any new information being prsented to us by others. Now is not the time to listen to external advice (unless from a mentor). Spend this week meditating, connecting with spirit, and setting a plan in motion.

Crystals for this week:

Blue Lace Agate - Calms emotions and encourages clear, non-emotional communication.

Azurite - Encourages boundaries and focus on self vs. others. Brings balance between your physical and spiritual states.

Peridot - Protects you from external influences while tapping into self. Aids an easier connection through meditation


Weekly Reading - June 30 - July 6

This week is all about introspection, moving through struggles, focusing on the positive, and analyzing what lights you up. It’s the time to be honest with yourself and know that a change needs to be made. In addition, the message is also that you need to have confidence and faith even though your situation may be extremely shitty. Now is not the time to rush through the process, if you do the cycle may repeat itself on your next venture.

From Left to Right: The High Priestess, Five of Pentacles, Eight of Cups

From Left to Right: The High Priestess, Five of Pentacles, Eight of Cups

The High Priestess
Intuition, Divine Feminine, Abundance, Secrets, Silence

The High Priestess brings with her deep intuitive understanding as well as the mysteries of the unseen world. She is also highly intune and hints that currently there is a thin veil between you and the spirit world. The answers you seek are already contained in your subconscious, you just need facilitate moments of stillness in order to receive the messages. Keep your focus on subjects that ACTUALLY are important instead of trivial matters. Focus on feeling and intuitive knowing rather than logical thought. Now is also the time to tap into your divine feminine by showing love, open spiritual connection, empathy, and trust.

Five of Pentacles
Lack Mindset, Worry, Financial Issues,

Hard times may be present this week in career, finances, or material things. As this card commonly brings with it loss, you may have also recently lost your job, money, or even interest in your business (if you are self employed). You may also be experiencing fear (lack mindset), but you need to recognize that you may also be putting blocks in your own way with this thinking. There is a need to move past this, but take your time. It can be difficult to shift energy at this point, so start small and show gratitude to the little things. Remember positive breeds positive, so keep your vibes focused on positivity.

Eight of Cups
Indecision, Escapism, Withdrawal, Laziness, Unburdening

There is still more to do, even though you may be feeling hopeless. Things may not be going the way you had hoped and you may be considering walking away. It’s time to take steps towards moving on or re-directing your route. Though you have tried, you know something is missing. Trust your intuition and know that if you need to leave behind a job, friendship, schooling, etc. this is for your highest good. Now is also the time to check in with yourself and consciously look at what inspires you or you are passionate about. If you do not focus on what you love, you may find yourself in another unfulfilling situation again.

Crystals for this week:

Moonstone - Helps to keep your emotions balanced and encouraging expression of divine feminine energy.

Hemimorphite - Helps you clear victim mentality, negative thoughts, and instead encourages self confidence.

Fire Agate - Encourages protection and emotional balance during times of change.

Weekly Reading - June 9 - 15, 2019

There is a need to be logical and methodical this week with your plans. Clear communication is key, and softening your responses to others will help avoid conflict. If you are feeling apathetic, uninspired, or drained, this week is a great time for some meditation and self reflection. Avoid social settings and social media to reconnect with yourself.

From left to right: King of Swords, 5 of Wands, 4 of Cups

From left to right: King of Swords, 5 of Wands, 4 of Cups


King of Swords
Authority, Intellect, Inner Truth, Manipulation

You’re planning your next project but don’t act too soon. You are in your power now, but take the time to plan. You have an objective point of view and mental clarity, so get to the heart of the matter when it comes to these projects. Detach from others and emotions at this time, you don’t need second opinions from people who are not experts. Do your research and be diligent to remain impartial and fair when dealing with others. Now is the time to seek out a professional for financial planning or legal advice.

5 of Wands
Confusion, Arguments, Conflict, Competition

You are currently stuck in intense conflict and disagreement with yourself or others. Express your emotions calmly and logically, it helps to gain perspective and turn any disagreement into a learning experience. Be enthusiastic about change, because you will have to whether you like it or not. Understand there is value in having a designated work group for these types of discussions, rather than anyone and everyone. Soften your responses to others and criticism of yourself, it will ease tension and encourage smoother communication.

4 of Cups
Apathy, Doubts, Contemplation, Meditation

You are currently having self doubt, which is causing you to turn your enegy inwards. You may be receiving new projects and opportunities, but turning them down. Remember, you need to focus on what’s important. Saying no is ok , especially if it doesn’t align with you. You may also be feeling bored, dissatisfied or apathetic. Figure out why you are feeling this way and tap into your inner truth. The best way to do this is to remove any external distractions (social media, tv, video games, social gatherings) and really spend time meditating and connecting with spirit. This card also shows lack of interest in opportunities from hurt. If you have been burned in the past, you may be dooming opportunities before they start. Make peace with your hurt and take a chance.

Crystals for this week:

Apophyllite - Helps connect you to your intuition and spirit guides during meditation.

Blue Lace Agate - Calms emotions and encourages clear, non-emotional communication.

Cobaltoan Calcite - Helps to reignite your inspiration and discover your true passions. Encourages you to see the positive.


Weekly Reading - June 2 - 8, 2019

This week is go, go, go! Time to step into your power and make decisive moves. Balance your need for progress with a balanced, flexible plan. You aren’t going to get anywhere without intentional moves and clear communication.

From left to right: Knight of Swords, The Wheel of Fortune, The Emperor

From left to right: Knight of Swords, The Wheel of Fortune, The Emperor


Knight of Swords
Decisive Action, Quick Thinking, Lofty Goals, Restlessness, Impulsiveness

There is a need to be assertive and direct to get what you want but be weary of being TOO impulsive. Balance your need for action with logical plans. Work on your communication and being clear and concise.. Be proactive! Don’t sit on your ass waiting for something to magically happen at the same time, don’t let your need for change cloud your judgement. Do not be overly critical, this will stop you before you start.


The World
Success, Celebration, Completion

The World brings endings to old cycles, energy patterns, and commitments. It’s time to celebrate new beginnings and reaping the rewards from all the hard work you’ve been putting in. It’s time to step into a new, positive, exciting energy. Now is a great time to make new contacts, focus on new ideas, and expand your reach. Be satisfied with your achievements and do not doubt yourself or abilities. Fully integrate what you have learned previously and apply it to your future with a positive outlook.


The Emperor
Leadership, Structure, Power, Action, Stubbornness, Lack of Discipline

You need to take control of the situation to get things moving, so step into your power! This is a time to be a leader or providing stability to others through your business ventures (this honestly can even mean just being able to be more financially giving). Make sure you are dealing with any issues strategically and keep those emotions in check. You have all the knowledge you need to proceed and others at this time will seek you out for advice. Be receptive to others feelings and issues. There is also a need to be aware being stubborn only stalls the process. Flexibility is key. There is no need to impose limiting rules on yourself, it will only hinder you in the end.


Crystals for this week:

Hematite - Promotes intellect, direct action, and encourages clear communication.

Amethyst - Following your heart will move you in the correct direction. Great stone to calm you if you feel like things are stalling.

Ruby - Encourages inner strength and clear communication.


Your Weekly Reading - May 19 - May 25

Whew guys, this week is a tough one surrounding communication, conflict, and deceit. As you see below, all the cards are Swords, which deals with decisions, arguments, mental conflict, analyzing, and strong messages or mental stances. Be cautious of the situations happening around you because they may not be as they seem.

From left to right: Five of Swords, Page of Swords, Ten of Swords

From left to right: Five of Swords, Page of Swords, Ten of Swords


Five of Swords
Conflict, Competition, Chaotic Energy, Disagreements

The Five of swords brings with it difficult discussions, conflict, and chaotic energy and communications. It’s time to take a step back, collect your thoughts, and recover. You may feel like you are in a constant struggle trying to “one up” another person. This is not a good look for you, so try and set it in the past and be more mindful next time. Try to resolve what can be resolved by using grounded communication instead of emotional outbursts. Decide whether being “right” or “winning” is worth the cost of putting your relationships on the line.


Page of Swords
New knowledge and ideas, Curiosity, Communicating in a different way, Learning from Mistakes

You have been working hard and are reaping the benefits of it, however there are still some challenges ahead. You need to be flexible in order to face new obstacles. Communication is a huge theme of this card, so it is also emphasizing the need to find new ways to convey your message. Now is also the time to explore new ideas and projects, as well as obtaining as much information as possible. Ask questions, research, and study. Now is the time to experiment, not perfect.


Ten of Swords
Loss, Verbal wounds, Refusing to accept an unavoidable ending, New Beginnings, Turning Point

An ending has, or will, come out of the blue. You need to be careful not to play the victim, even if you have been betrayed or deceived. This situation may be difficult and painful because deep down you know that it is time to let go and move forward. This is the last thing standing between you and starting over so take comfort that new things are on the horizon for you. Take time to learn the lessons from this situation and move forward with a positive outlook. This is your chance to rise from the ashes.


Crystals for this week:

Hematite - Helps to ground your communications and allows you to express your thoughts clearly.

Kunzite - Removes obstacles in your path and helps you find solutions quickly.

Aragonite - Allows you more patience in these trying times and helps to make answers obvious.


Your Weekly Reading - April 14 - 20, 2019

I put this to a vote from you guy this week! The majority of you wanted the standard 3 card pull I’ve done in the past so I’m going to stick with that for now. This week you need to slow down, focus on anything that needs to be completed and get it done. Take time to celebrate, connect with friends, and collaborate with others through creative projects. Take care to meditate and trust your intuition also.


From left to right: Ten of Wands, Three of Cups, Ace of Cups

From left to right: Ten of Wands, Three of Cups, Ace of Cups

Ten of Wands
Hard work, Burden, Completion or Ending

The Ten of Wands brings acknowledgement of a situation where you feel like you have taken on too much. Instead of blaming others, acknowledge that you created this situation yourself. Keep thoughts positive so you do not manifest the negative as your reality. Take some time for yourself at this moment and focus on the task at hand. You have nearly completed this project/ energetic cycle so expect it to clear quickly.

Three of Cups
Celebration, Collaboration, Happiness, Creative Pursuits

The Three of Cups indicates a new opportunity to co work on a creative project with others. In addition, this card reminds us to socialize and connect with our loved ones. If you have been feeling a little isolated, now is the time to get together, celebrate, and emotionally connect with our biggest support system.

Ace of Cups
Divine Knowledge, Intuition, Subconscious Mind

Your intuition is strong, so trust the vibes you’re getting this week. Make time for meditation and stillness, as this is the best way to receive divine messages properly. If you have been struggling with how to fix any issues, take this time to absorb the solution provided to you by the universe. Now it is also essential to tap into the divine feminine, so let go of the logic this week and go with the flow.

Crystals for this week:

Orange Cacite - Helps to calm any frantic, chaotic energy around you and re-focuses your energy to the task at hand.

Fluorite - A soothing stone. If you’re not feeling that great emotionally, fluorite helps to raise your vibration and encourages more fun in your life.

Moonstone - Balances your emotions and allow free flowing intuitive energy. Also helps you to connect to your feminine side and developing new skills.


Your Weekly Reading - January 13 - January 19


This week is looking amazing guys! Make it count and get all those good vibes put towards creative projects! Here is your reading for this week:


From left to right: The World,  Ace of Wands, The High Priestess

From left to right: The World, Ace of Wands, The High Priestess


The Results:

The World
Success, Celebration, Completion

The World brings endings to old cycles, energy patterns, and commitments. It’s time to celebrate new beginnings and reaping the rewards from all the hard work you’ve been putting in. It’s a great time for expansion. Further your reach to new contacts, projects, and ideas. Be satisfied with your achievements and do not doubt yourself or abilities. Fully integrate what you have learned previous with a positive outlook.

Ace of Wands
Inspiration, New Ideas and Opportunity

Follow your intuition with new opportunities. If you feel compelled to pursue something, DO it. Pursue your passion and trust that it will be energizing. While aces do not guarantee results, know this is just the beginning of your new project. Approach it with a fresh outlook and trust that if this idea feels good, it most likely is.

The High Priestess
Divine Knowledge, Intuition, Subconscious Mind

Your intuition is particularly strong this week, which is fitting as all the planets will be in alignment between the 17 - 24 of January. Make time for meditation and stillness, as this is the best way to receive divine messages properly. If you have been struggling with how to fix any issues, take this time to absorb the solution provided to you by the universe. Now it is also essential to tap into the divine feminine, so let go of the logic this week and go with the flow.

Crystals for this week:

Amethyst - Helps you to tap into your intuition and ensure you are listening to your heart.

Green Aventurine - Attracts new opportunities to you and allows re-connection to your spirit

Moonstone - Balances your emotions and allow free flowing intuitive energy. Also helps you to connect to your feminine side and developing new skills.