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Should You Work with a Spiritual Advisor?

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I know the spiritual world and way of life has become more mainstream, even trendy now. It seems like everywhere you look, there's a new mindset coach selling a program that promises to change your life or that cool girl on IG pulling daily cards for her following. It’s all SO fun, and I know you just want to get going, but in all the fun sometimes the meaning, foundation, and ethics get lost. It seems like in today’s world, with all the technology and instant gratification that anyone can turn intuitive overnight and while I’m not saying it’s impossible, it takes time to really tap into your intuition and work through your own lessons before you start giving advice to others.

The problem is, a lot of these “new” intuitives do not understand how influential their words are, or how a message relayed incorrectly could really throw someone else off their path. Ethics are so important to me because I experienced many readers who did not understand the importance of their work, some purposely gave me poor advice! I’ve met many spiritual guides who are spiritual, yes, but motivated by only money. I have also met those individuals who have never gotten a single detail correct. I am not here to judge, merely to share my experience when I was first introduced to the spirit world because you should be aware that, unfortunately these people do exist.


Your spiritual advisor should act as a divine guide. As a divine guide their soul purpose should be to pass divine messages to you from the universe and your guides with no person feelings or ego attached to said advice and this guidance must ALWAYS be for your highest good. In addition, your advisor must share with you that this is a GUIDE not a concrete plan. You must know, free will always comes into play, meaning you (and anyone else in your reading) ALWAYS can choose to go in a different direction.

In simplified terms, you are always in the driver’s seat, your advisor is only interpreting the map. If they tell yo to turn right, and you choose to turn left, you can do that. Your route and destination shifts as you choose.


Your role is to be open to the process and enter into the reading or energy session with the right intention, which should always be to ask for guidance that serves your highest good. Trusting that the universe/ guides will bring you the messages through the right advisor is paramount. If you don’t trust when you go into it, getting answers will be harder. In short, the more open you are, the easier the messages come through to your advisor.


If you are asking questions, expect the truth. The truth isn’t always what you want to hear, but the universe and your guides know what is best for your path in this human lifetime. An ethical reader will always tell you the truth, because they are just messengers. They should have no personal attachment or involvement to your reading, they are just there to deliver the letter and read it to you. How you choose to intemperate it is up to you.

One thing you should be aware of is searching out a different answer. This is when you have been told something you do not want to hear but you don’t want to believe it. I’ve seen this so many times, someone asks a question, doesn’t like the answer the universe has passed along through the advisor, and then they seek out another advisor. Again, you are fully in the driver’s seat, however if you start rejecting the universe’s messages you’re messing up the energy. You will end up in this endless cycle of searching for the answer you want, and eventually you’re going to find a reader that will give you the answer you want, not because it’s true but because that's the intention you’ve been setting. At this point, your wishful thinking is undermining the universe’s advice so the universe has no choice but to give you the answer you want because you keep asking for it, even if it may not be true or for your highest good.

Why is this a problem? It delays your process. The lessons you were originally supposed to learn may have not been as severe, but now that you have a false belief the lessons may be tougher when you are forced into a situation where you have no choice but to believe the original truth. In other words, your wake-up call is going to be more intense because you have created a false reality for yourself.

Either way, this is undermining both the universe and your advisor (who you searched out for their expertise) as well as making the process harder for yourself. If you think you know best, then you should not be seeking out an advisor in the first place. It’s a very ego driven approach and the universe does not support ego based thinking. Bottom line, if you aren't going to respect the messages and instead think you know best, please do not have a session.


If you are open to the messages, no matter what they say, and really want to align with your soul purpose, then yes! If you will work through the guidance to achieve your best life and you’re willing to be patient and put in the work, YES. DO IT. As long as your intention is to learn, and do what serves your highest good, you should.


The spiritual world is amazing to start with and only gets better as you explore your path to alignment. Is it all sunshine and roses? No. It is hard work. Sometimes your patience will be tested, sometime you will question why, sometimes you will feel like the world is against you, but just remember that this is all part of your path and the lessons you need to learn. It is OK to feel these things, this is why you are human. Be open to it and go with the ebbs and flows. Ultimately remember that the universe has your back always, you cannot go wrong when the universe is guiding you.


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