There is a need to be logical and methodical this week with your plans. Clear communication is key, and softening your responses to others will help avoid conflict. If you are feeling apathetic, uninspired, or drained, this week is a great time for some meditation and self reflection. Avoid social settings and social media to reconnect with yourself.
From left to right: King of Swords, 5 of Wands, 4 of Cups
King of Swords
Authority, Intellect, Inner Truth, Manipulation
You’re planning your next project but don’t act too soon. You are in your power now, but take the time to plan. You have an objective point of view and mental clarity, so get to the heart of the matter when it comes to these projects. Detach from others and emotions at this time, you don’t need second opinions from people who are not experts. Do your research and be diligent to remain impartial and fair when dealing with others. Now is the time to seek out a professional for financial planning or legal advice.
5 of Wands
Confusion, Arguments, Conflict, Competition
You are currently stuck in intense conflict and disagreement with yourself or others. Express your emotions calmly and logically, it helps to gain perspective and turn any disagreement into a learning experience. Be enthusiastic about change, because you will have to whether you like it or not. Understand there is value in having a designated work group for these types of discussions, rather than anyone and everyone. Soften your responses to others and criticism of yourself, it will ease tension and encourage smoother communication.
4 of Cups
Apathy, Doubts, Contemplation, Meditation
You are currently having self doubt, which is causing you to turn your enegy inwards. You may be receiving new projects and opportunities, but turning them down. Remember, you need to focus on what’s important. Saying no is ok , especially if it doesn’t align with you. You may also be feeling bored, dissatisfied or apathetic. Figure out why you are feeling this way and tap into your inner truth. The best way to do this is to remove any external distractions (social media, tv, video games, social gatherings) and really spend time meditating and connecting with spirit. This card also shows lack of interest in opportunities from hurt. If you have been burned in the past, you may be dooming opportunities before they start. Make peace with your hurt and take a chance.
Crystals for this week:
Apophyllite - Helps connect you to your intuition and spirit guides during meditation.
Blue Lace Agate - Calms emotions and encourages clear, non-emotional communication.
Cobaltoan Calcite - Helps to reignite your inspiration and discover your true passions. Encourages you to see the positive.