This week is all about introspection, moving through struggles, focusing on the positive, and analyzing what lights you up. It’s the time to be honest with yourself and know that a change needs to be made. In addition, the message is also that you need to have confidence and faith even though your situation may be extremely shitty. Now is not the time to rush through the process, if you do the cycle may repeat itself on your next venture.
From Left to Right: The High Priestess, Five of Pentacles, Eight of Cups
The High Priestess
Intuition, Divine Feminine, Abundance, Secrets, Silence
The High Priestess brings with her deep intuitive understanding as well as the mysteries of the unseen world. She is also highly intune and hints that currently there is a thin veil between you and the spirit world. The answers you seek are already contained in your subconscious, you just need facilitate moments of stillness in order to receive the messages. Keep your focus on subjects that ACTUALLY are important instead of trivial matters. Focus on feeling and intuitive knowing rather than logical thought. Now is also the time to tap into your divine feminine by showing love, open spiritual connection, empathy, and trust.
Five of Pentacles
Lack Mindset, Worry, Financial Issues,
Hard times may be present this week in career, finances, or material things. As this card commonly brings with it loss, you may have also recently lost your job, money, or even interest in your business (if you are self employed). You may also be experiencing fear (lack mindset), but you need to recognize that you may also be putting blocks in your own way with this thinking. There is a need to move past this, but take your time. It can be difficult to shift energy at this point, so start small and show gratitude to the little things. Remember positive breeds positive, so keep your vibes focused on positivity.
Eight of Cups
Indecision, Escapism, Withdrawal, Laziness, Unburdening
There is still more to do, even though you may be feeling hopeless. Things may not be going the way you had hoped and you may be considering walking away. It’s time to take steps towards moving on or re-directing your route. Though you have tried, you know something is missing. Trust your intuition and know that if you need to leave behind a job, friendship, schooling, etc. this is for your highest good. Now is also the time to check in with yourself and consciously look at what inspires you or you are passionate about. If you do not focus on what you love, you may find yourself in another unfulfilling situation again.
Crystals for this week:
Moonstone - Helps to keep your emotions balanced and encouraging expression of divine feminine energy.
Hemimorphite - Helps you clear victim mentality, negative thoughts, and instead encourages self confidence.
Fire Agate - Encourages protection and emotional balance during times of change.