New year, new things in store! So far, I’m feeling the energy is quite different and dare I say, LIGHTER. Holy crap that last full moon in Cancer seemed to do a number on most people. Continue reading below what’s in store for/ the focus of each month of 2019. Enjoy!
From left to right: The World, The Emperor, 5 of Swords
9 of Cups, 8 of Cups, 8 of Swords
The Results:
January - The World
Success, Celebration, Completion
With it the World brings endings to old cycles, energy patterns, and commitments. It’s time to celebrate new beginnings and reaping the rewards from all the hard work you put in last year. It’s a great time for expansion. Further your reach to new contacts, projects, and ideas. Be satisfied with your achievements from last year and move into 2019 with decisiveness. Do not doubt yourself or abilities. Fully integrate what you learned last year into your approach for this year
February - The Emperor
Leadership, Power, Action
Take control of your future! The Emperor brings wisdom and assertiveness to you. He reminds you that you are a LEADER, but leaders need help too at some point. Do not be afraid to ask for help when you need to. Security is a major theme this month, meaning everything is pretty stable. Be careful not to create unnecessary rules for yourself or others and be conscious of your attitude. Kindness goes a long way! Give it to the people who deserve it, and stand up to those who don’t.
In addition, the Emperor represents an authoritative or father figure. Remain balanced in communication with this type of person. Note whether they are helping or hurting you and respond accordingly.
March - 5 of Swords
Disagreements, Competition, Winning at all costs
This points to some conflict, both internal and external. Not everyone is going to be kind or agree with you or your ideas. You may feel like there is too much competition around you and start playing the comparison game. It may feel like a threat to your own success and happiness, which encourages winning at all costs. Please know, when you approach situations this way there are no winners. Choose your battles carefully and avoid conflict where possible. If disagreement is unavoidable, mind your words. Apologize instead of dwelling or trying to prove your point.
In addition, you may have a situation that doesn’t turn out in an ideal manner. You may feel like a failure. Do not start with the negative self talk. Learn your lesson and move on.
April - 9 of Cups
Inner Happiness, Satisfaction, Gratitude
Now is the time to appreciate what you have and be thankful. They say that the 9 of Cups is the “wish” card, meaning there is an abundance of love, prosperity, and happiness. Goals are great, however constantly looking towards the future takes you out of this present moment. Everything is in constant change so now is the the time to be present, indulge, and enjoy everything that’s good. Keep it simple and don’t complicate things. Show gratitude to all you have and relax during this time.
May - 8 of Cups
Indecision, Escapism, Withdrawal, Dissatisfaction
There is still more work to do on your path. You may be feeling unfulfilled by one or more aspects in your life. Now is the time to dive deep and see what is causing this withdrawal. A change may be needed, whether that’s lifestyle, leaving old friendships behind, or changing your direction. If you sense something is off, you need to move on from whatever situation that is. Be honest with yourself and face this situation honestly and head on. You may feel like you want to escape, ignore, or repress your feelings but this is not the way to approach the situation. If it’s not serving your highest good, its best to move forward.
June - 8 of Swords
Self-imposed Restriction, Victim Mentality, Self-sabotage
You are putting restrictions in your own way. Feeling trapped with no clear resolution can feel uncomfortable and may lead to victim mentality. Is there something you are doing to contribute to this situation or are you doing what you can to change it? You may be holding yourself back by thinking you have no influence or control over the situation. Get out of your head and change your mindset. Dwelling in negative thoughts only make your situation MORE stagnant. Typically when you are giving away your power you feel that nothing is your fault. Take responsibility for your part in the situation. You have the power to change it, even if the options presented are not ideal. Trust your intuition, get out of your head, and move forward. If you are in a situation where you are half in, half out, trust your gut!
July - The Hanged Man
New Perspective, Pause, Surrender
Things may stall. The Hanged man shows that you may be holding onto things that prevent you from achieving the next level. If you are not consciously taking time out to assess things, sometimes the universe steps in and stops things for you. You may need to see things from a new perspective and release old beliefs. This is an opportunity to pursue new opportunities, but you need to be ready to go with the flow. If you are not using your intuition or paying attention to the divine signs, the universe may step in. When this happens, you may have emotional breakdowns, become ill, or have many obstacles in your way. Don’t keep trying to force things to work. Relax into the flow and take a time out. Don’t invest your thoughts into a specific outcome, it may not be the best one for you. Surrender, shift your perspective, and change your routine. Clear the old energy away!
August - 10 of Wands
Hard work, Release, Doing Everything, Carrying a Burden
You may feel exhausted! That’s what happens when you take on greater responsibility and try to do everything at once. Even though this may be making things harder for you at the moment, it is only temporary. Prioritize tasks that are truly important first. Make sure you take stock of everything that is on your plate. If anything is unnecessary, let it go. Ask for help and delegate where you can. You may also be holding on to old burdens or the burdens of others. Know that you do not need to hold space for these situations. 9s always bring an element of ending, you’ll be through this patch soon!
September - Queen of Pentacles
Nurturing, Self-Care, Finances, Imbalance between work and home life
You are focusing on nurturing your loved ones right now. There is a need for work/life balance and to ensure you are maintaining your independence, regardless of how nurturing you want to be. Do not feel guilty about home vs. work, the key is BALANCE. Make sure you focus on being practical and grounded when communicating with others. The Queen also shows a focus on ourselves, nurture yourself as you do others. Make sure you are eating properly, getting enough rest, and indulging in your passions. You can’t help others if you don’t help yourself first.
The Queen also represents a mother figure. You may need to lean on this figure for loving support and reassurance. Whoever this woman is in your life (she can really be any older female who guides you) she can be trusted and she will give you the encouragement you need.
October - 9 of Pentacles
Abundance, Self-reliant, Finances
You’ve been hustling for abundance and its time to treat yourself! All the effort you have put in is about to be rewarded. Remember that saying “You reap what you sew?” allow yourself to enjoy your successes. The 9 of Pentacles encourages us to rely on ourselves over others. Being independently successful is all about being smart. If you have been thinking about investing in your future, now is the time! Set yourself up for long term abundance. Make sure you are maintaining balance between the hustle and enjoyment. Make sure to also spend time in environments that are inspiring. Good vibes attract more good vibes. Also, do not question your self worth at this time. Whatever you are charging or the skills you’re providing are top notch and worth every penny. If you are undervaluing yourself or your services, its time to stop and own your fabulousness!
November - Page of Cups
Creativity, Intuition, New Opportunity, Immaturity
Get curious! Now is the time to try new things. Trust your intuition and tap into those creative juices. New ideas are coming to you freely if you are tuned into your intuition. The universe has important messages for you at this time, so make sure you’re open to hear the message. It’s time to have faith and believe your wildest dreams CAN come true! Develop your arty side by taking new classes, reading, and writing. Don’d hide your talents. You are not only doing a disservice to yourself, but also others. Keeping your work locked away inspires no one. Now is also a great time to develop your intuition or make it more of a priority if you have been slacking.
The Page also represents immaturity. You may need to learn how to deal with your emotions more assertively. Express your feelings freely, especially in regards to romance. Speaking of romance, the Page brings unexpected news in the form of engagement or marriage, birth of a child, or a new love interest if you are single.
December - Queen of Wands
Confidence, Independence, Inspiration
Be optimistic and trust yourself. You are confidently self-aware, so there is no need to question whether you can make it happen or not. You have a clear vision of what you want and a plan in place. Have courage and bold. Playing shy is not the way to accomplish your dreams. Place an emphasis on social outings and networking. Connections are important in your pursuits, but they are not difficult for you to come by. You are inspiring leader, so own it! You know who you are, so now is the time to be shamelessly YOU. If you are feeling a little introverted, that’s OK. Honor how you’re feeling. Sometimes being social is draining so moments of introspection and connecting with your “private” side will reignite your energy. Just do you, no matter what others thing.
The Queen of Wands also can represent a fiery female in your life. She will help you out by lighting a fire under your ass and taking you out to socialize/ make connections.